Our Programs

Through our Clubs program, Aevidum schools participate in student-developed campaigns and are supported by Aevidum as they implement these campaigns and customize them to their own school climates.
The clubs spread the Aevidum message of “I’ve got your back” as they focus on support and prevention, and work to transform their school cultures to focus on care and advocacy so all members of their school communities feel accepted, appreciated, acknowledged, and cared for.

Our Middle and High School Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Curriculum was developed by a team of school counselors, school principals, teachers, and psychologists. The curriculum is currently structured into five modules, which vary in length and build by topic. Instructors can adapt the format to meet the needs of their schools. Teachers can use the five video modules to familiarize themselves with the curriculum before delivering it in their classrooms or students can use the modules to complete the lessons more independently.

At the elementary level, the concept of Aevidum helps to teach kids about the importance of supporting and caring for each other.
The Little Aevidum program currently consists of Schoolwide Overview Materials to help introduce the program in your building, six sets of Classroom Lessons, and Club Resources to assist schools in launching Little Aevidum clubs.

Aevidum Friend to Friend is an empirically-supported peer support program schools can adopt to embed helping skills and extend an added layer of connection within their school communities. The program was developed by a team of students, educators, and mental health professionals. The goal of the program is to provide students with the basic helping skills they need to make a difference in the life of a friend who is struggling emotionally.

At the college level, Aevidum’s “I’ve got your back” message assists students in seeking help for themselves and for their friends. While some schools incorporate Aevidum campaigns into already-existing programs and department activities, others create Aevidum as a club or student organization.
Colleges have adopted Aevidum in the following ways:
Millersville University framed their 2014 Freshman Orientation around Aevidum and used its “I’ve got your back” message as the core of that year’s freshman convocation.
The Aevidum club at Penn State University hosted a mental health awareness event and worked to help create suicide prevention training for pre-service teachers.

Developing Aevidum Mind means to develop a capacity for knowing how to help people (including yourself) when you (or anyone else) is going through something.
Aevidum Mind consists of two resources: 10 Tools to Find Calm Amidst Chaos in Your Classroom tip sheet and accompanying videos (includes 5 tips teachers can use for themselves and 5 tips teachers can use with their students) and Guided Mindfulness for Educators: a collection of guided mindfulness practices for time-crunched teachers who want to find some time for self-care based around Aevidum’s four characteristics of a healthy community.